Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dollar store Ranch Dressing = Not the same thing as 'real' store Ranch Dressing

I really can't say too much about this but, listen, if your mom comes to town and goes shopping at the dollar store (or one of those off the wall grocery stores no one you knows about (or is willing to admit to going to) like Aldi's) and she brings home some "oh, it's just the same as..." Ranch dressing -- I just want you to know that, NO, it is NOT "just the same as" anything.

This is more like the ranch you get at some goofy restaurants that serves you on paper plates and a spork.  They buy their shit in bulk though, not in 16 oz bottles.

Hell, even my dogs can tell the difference between "Riverton Valley Ranch" and "Hidden Valley Ranch". As evidenced by the photos, below.

 I prepared two bowls - 1 with a hotdog and Riverton Valley Ranch (left) and one with Hidden Valley Ranch (right).

Then I tried to put the bowl with Hidden Valley on the floor first... i barely got the bowl 6 inches from the floor and the two labrador retrievers, Momo (A/S/L - 2, Female, Left) and Rufio (11, Male, Right) charged at the bowl and started licking it like mad.

Then I put the bowl of Riverton Ranch and hotdogs (same brand) on the floor and neither dog would even acknowledge it much less eat it.

So there it is, no one wants to eat Riverton Valley Ranch dressing. No One.


Unknown said...

😂 Wow... How picky. Riverton Valley really is just again good as Hidden Valley. I actually buy both, and like them both just the same.

Mutley Died For Your Sins said...

Mutley definitely died for sins.

Lynn said...

I totally agree. I buy Riverton Ranch at the Dollar Tree. IMO it tastes way better than HVR. I quit buying HVR dressing after trying Riverton Ranch.