Saturday, June 13, 2015

Omaha Summer Arts Festival - June 2015

I took a short trip down to the Omaha Summer Art Festival last weekend. I didn't take very many photos. I just don't know why I don't feel like taking pictures any more. It's depressing.  I used to enjoy taking 'street' photos of interesting people.  I did find this guy with his two basket dogs.

Now I... I know we're not in Kansas!

Please ask before photographing our Art!
Over the years, I've had a couple of people give me grief about taking photos down at the art festival. For some reason they don't understand that when you set up outdoors in a public street you can't stop people from taking whatever photos they want.  I do *not* get confrontational and typically don't even bother making a point of taking photos of their 'art' unless I feel like it's junk to begin with.  I *did* let one woman get under my skin a couple years ago and intentionally took pictures  I did manage to grab a couple 'illegal' photos of Art without being arrested or beaten up. I guess it was my lucky day.
"Illegally" photographed Art!

 I do have to admit, some of the art was pretty good.

Hats, hats, and more hats.

I like these Owls.

These owls were pretty cool, too.


Food truck. Pepsi. No Coke.

Not a really big crowd.

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